Kimberly Powell of shares her ten ways to celebrate Family History Month and #2 was create a family cookbook:…
Web Marketing Association Recognizes Family Cookbook Project Once Again
The Family Cookbook Project has been recognized for the third year in a row by the Web Marketing Association’s 11th…
Shopping for Chocolate
Here is an article from the Food Network on how to buy, use and store the best chocolate products for…
Perfect Spelling in Your Recipes
Two months ago, the Family Cookbook Project sent out a survey asking for feedback on the cookbook site. We asked…
Learn how to taste and select chocolate like the pros
Chocolate, much like wine or cheese, can vary vastly from brand to brand, and even within brands. The quality of…
Comments about a school fundraising cookbook
Jennifer recently emailed the Family Cookbook Project to accept the cost quote we sent her and move her school fundraising…
Elaine Dacke says...
I have to again say, I am so excited about your cookbook program! I have been looking for at about…
Jennifer and Family says....
LOVE the cookbook!! My dad gave it to me for Christmas. I saw some great recipesI’ll be making for New…
Copywriting Recipes
One issue that comes up regularly for family cookbook project editors is the topic of copywriting recipes and proper usage.…
Cooking with Chocolate
The Food Network Website has a great series of helpful tips for cooking with chocolate called Chocolate 101. While the…