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Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

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This recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes is from A Taste of Heaven, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 green tomatoes, not ripe
½ cup of beaten milk
1 egg
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
Rapeseed oil or vegetable oil
½ cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
1 tsp cornstarch
¼ tsp baking soda
20cl of dark beer

Choose firm, medium-sized tomatoes. Pick the ones that are just starting to get a slight pink tinge. These are a little less bitter than fully green tomatoes.
Heat a medium-sized skillet. Cast iron skillets are perfect for this recipe, but you can use any large skillet. Pour between an inch and an inch and a half of oil into the pan. You dont want to drown your tomatoes in oil, so just put a little more than an inch of oil in the pan.
Add 3 tbsp of bacon grease to the oil to give it a little more flavor and mix it with oil until it is relatively diluted. The bacon fat will add an extra dose of salty flavor to your tomatoes.
Wash the tomatoes in freshwater. Clean them well to remove any dust or dirt that may be on the surface. Wipe them down with paper towels and move to the cutting board. Cut them into slices about a centimeter thick so that the slices stay together when you fry them.
Mix ¼ cup of flour with ½ cup cornmeal. Add a teaspoon of salt and ½tsp pepper.
Pour ¼ cup of flour into a bowl. Put the green tomatoes slices in the flour, covering them evenly on both sides. Next, place the floured tomato slices into the beaten milk and egg mixture making sure to cover them with liquid. After dipping, place them on top of cornmeal mixture Make sure to cover them generously with breadcrumbs.
Fry the green tomatoes. Place each slice in the hot oil in the pan. Do not let the slices touch in the pan. They will stick. Fry them for 3 minutes on each side. Watch for a golden brown layer forms on the surface of each slice. Place the slices on a plate covered with a paper towel when finished frying. The paper towel will absorb the extra oil, making them crisp.
Can be served with ranch as a dipping sauce.




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