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"The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again."--George Miller

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

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This recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes is from Our Family Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


¾ C self rising flour
⅓ C cornmeal
1 tsp seasoned salt
¼ tsp pepper
1 C buttermilk
3 green tomatoes sliced into rounds
peanut oil or bacon grease

For Remoulade:
½ C mayonnaise
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp pickle brine (I use peperoncini brine)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp mustard (I like creole mustard or sometimes horseradish mustard)
hot sauce to taste
generous squeeze of lemon
Mix thoroughly, and serve cold on top of the hot, fresh tomatoes.

Mix your batter. It should be thick but not too thick to coat the tomato slices—if you need to thin it out with a tbs of milk, do so.
Preheat a cast iron skillet in a 400 degree oven until it is evenly heated.
Put it on the stove (carefully) and add your fat—put on medium heat and wait until the fat shimmers
add your battered tomato slices & fry until golden brown




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