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Aunt Bill's Candy Recipe

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This recipe for Aunt Bill's Candy is from The McNabb Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


6 c sugar, divided 2 c and 4 c
2 c whole milk or cream
1/4 lb butter
1/4 t baking soda
1 t vanilla
1 lb nuts

Pour 2 c sugar into iron skillet over medium hot fire. Stir with wooden spoon until all melts, color of light brown sugar. Keep moving sugar so as not to scorch (about 1/2 hour).

In large pot remaining sugar and milk, cook over slow heat slowly. As soon as sugar is melted begin pouring it into kettle of boiling milk and sugar, stirring constantly, pouring very fine stream of sugar. Continue cooking, stirring until forms firm ball in cold water. Turn out fire, add soda stirring vigorously as it foams up. Then add butter allowing it to melt as you stir. Set in cool place 20 minutes. Add vanilla and begin beating with wooden spoon. Beat until thick and heavy having dull appearance. Add nuts, mix in and pour onto buttered cookie sheet.




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