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"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found."--Calvin Trillin

Walking Taco Recipe

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This recipe for Walking Taco is from 40 Something Cowgirls Restless Riders Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Items needed
small bags Dorito chips, (2.5 – 3.5oz.), one per camper*
1/2 cup cooked and Taco-seasoned hamburger per camper
shredded/chopped lettuce
shredded cheddar or Mexican-mix cheese
diced onions
diced tomatoes
Sour Cream
mild or medium salsa or taco sauce
plastic forks or spoons

The concept is so simple. Each camper spoons the ingredients they want into their individual bags of chips. Then they just scrunch them a little to mix things up – and they’re done! Eat with a plastic fork or spoon and toss everything in the trash for clean-up.

A little prep at home can make this a no-cook, fast and easy camp meal. Just cook the hamburger/taco seasoning mix at home, and bring to camp in a gallon-size Ziploc. (can be served cold at camp, or warmed in a skillet) The vegetable slicing and dicing can also be done at home, and brought to camp in Ziplocs.

Then it’s just a matter of putting things out for everyone to use.

The taco seasoned hamburger does taste better warm.

Place all ingredients on the camp table in bulk containers or on plates. Spoons can be used for all ingredients, but for portion control – a 1/2 cup measuring cup works best for the hamburger mix.

The chip bags should be opened by pulling apart the top seam, (leaves extra folding room),

Put 1/2 cup hamburger mix, and whatever other ingredients you want, into the bag of chips. Careful not to overfill the bag.

Fold the top of the bag closed and scrunch and shake the bag to mix everything up. Fold the top of the bag closed and scrunch and shake the bag to mix everything up! Careful not to crunch to much:)

That’s it! Open the bag, grab a fork or spoon, and dig in.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:




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*Recipes and photos entered into the Family Cookbook Project are provided by the submitting contributors. All rights are retained by the contributor. Please contact us if you believe copyright violations have occurred.

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