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Curd Fritters as written by the Pilgrams Recipe

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This recipe for Curd Fritters as written by the Pilgrams is from The Wilder We Get-- The Better We Eat !, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Take the yolks of ten Egs, and breake them in a pan, and put to them one handful Curdes and one handful of fine flower and sttraine them all together, and make a batter. and if it be not sticke ynough, put more curdesin it and salt to itl Then set it on the fyre in a frying pan, with such stuffe as ye will frie them with, and when itis hot, with a ladle take part of your batter amd [it pf ot omtp tje [amme. amd ;et ot rim as s,a; as upi cam. amd stor tjem wotj a stocle. amd tirme tje, wotj a scummer, and when they be fair and yellow flyed, take them out and cast Sugar upon them, and serve them forth.

5 eggs
curds (ricotta, cottage or other soft cheese)
Wheat or Corn flour
SaltCooking oil or Butter
Make a thin batter with the eggs and equal amounts of curs and flour. Season with salt. Heat a small amount of cooking oil in your frying kpan. When the Oil is hot, pour in the batter and tip the pan to make the batter spread very thin. (that's what "let it run as small as you can" in the recipe means) They shoud be like crepes. When brown on one side, use your knife to flip them over or slide them onto a plate and flip them over into the pan. Add more oil to the pan when needed Serve with Sugar sprinklen on the top if you wish.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
The words in the original are not mispelled but this was they way they talked and wrote.




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