Tanya Wenman Steel, Editor-in-chief of Epicurious.com, one of the best known food sites on the Web, posted on their blog…
Grandmother with a family cookbook
A professional writer about to write a book for modern grandmothers about activities they can do with their grandchildren is…
US News and World report Writes about Family Cookbooks
Linda Kulman writes about making a family cookbook in the December 25th issue of US News and World Report Magazine…
Next Cookbook Project
I received my cookbooks yesterday. I’m soexcited-they turned out wonderful! Thank you. Mynext project is to take the personalizations out…
Holidays are the Best Time to Start a Family Cookbook
To most of us, the year-end holidays are a time of family, friends and a lot of food. While these…
Web Marketing Association Names Family Cookbook Project Best Family Website of 2006
The Family Cookbook Project (www.familycookbookproject.com) has been named the Best Family Website of 2006 by the Web Marketing Association’s tenth…
Food for Thought
FamilyCookbookProject.com makes it easy to create a printed personal cookbook filled with your own recipes. Our program has helped thousands…