Adding New Recipes Once Your Cookbook Is Printed

Adding New Recipes Once Your Cookbook Is Printed Editor Marsha P writes:

“I published our family cookbook back in November.  We are very happy with the books, but I have a question: If new recipes are added and/or photos, if/when more copies are ordered will they reflect the cookbook with any new saved changes/additions?  It seems, once it was published, so many wished they had added this or that recipe and/or had photos added to recipes that didn’t have them, etc.”


Your story is not uncommon. Often once a family cookbook is printed, some of the contributors (and many of those who did not take the time to contribute) see how cool the project is and want to add additional photos and/or recipes.

Here you have three options:

1) Allow the new content to be in the online cookbook only. Even after our cookbook is printed, you can still add new recipes to your account and view them online and using the Family Cookbook Project App on your phone or tablet.

2) Create a second edition of your printed cookbook. In a second edition expanded you include all of the content from the first edition, rewrite the intro to explain that it is the second edition and add the new recipes and photos. This way all of the recipes are still in a single printed cookbook.

3) Create a second volume of your cookbook. When you have a lot of new recipes you might consider a second volume of you cookbook. This would have all new recipes and work as a companion to the first volume. It can have a different title than the first but the subtitle should link back to the first title and include the volume number. This way will generally cost less to print than the second edition since you are not reprinting all of the recipes from the first cookbook.

When you view recipe by category in your editor account, you will see a check box to include/exclude recipes from the next printed version. If you want a second edition, simply leave everything checked. If you want a second volume, click on the uncheck everything button and only the new recipes will be included in the second volume.

Another fun idea is to just take one category of recipes, like desserts or appetizers, and create a single category cookbook for your family.



Bill Rice is Co-Publisher of the Great Family Cookbook Project, a website that helps families and individuals collect, preserve and share food memories by creating their own printed personal cookbooks. He is the author of The Wellfleet Oyster Cookbook (Available on Amazon) and the Cape Cod Cocktail Cookbook, both created using He is also editor of the Donovan Family Cookbook, now it’s third printing.

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